About Us
​​The Annual OTS Oilwomen's Golf Tournament has been running since 1998. It is a fun filled event that takes place each year at the Estevan Woodlawn Golf Course, aimed at women whose primary occupation/income is in the exploration, drilling, service, or production oil industry (or was, if they are retired). The event has been very successful over the years; encouraging ladies in the industry to get out, enjoy a day of golf and relaxation, and network at the same time.
Each year the OTS Oilwomen's committee takes on the endeavor of fundraising at the Golf Tournament as well. Whether it be selling mulligans, raffle tickets for local fundraising events, or collecting non-perishable food items for the Salvation Army, the Oilwomen strive to donate to one charity every year.
Find out how to join us for the golf tournament or contact us for more information.
OTS Oilwomen
The Estevan OTS Oilwomen committee came together primarily as a group of women, all who were working in the oilfield industry, wanting to plan a golf tournament for other women in the industry. A day to get out of the office or field, have a little fun, and meet others.